Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Endings...and new beginnings...

Today is June 7th, 2011.  Today, my big guy graduated from Kindergarten.  Next year, he will officially be a "grader" and will be in school all day.  He will leave my house before 8am and not be home until 3pm.  He will bring his lunch to school.  He will eat his lunch with his friends and tell THEM all about his morning and share with THEM all the amazing ideas and stories dancing around in his head.  I will miss him. 

My little guy will start pre-school in the fall.  A baby no more.  He turned three a week ago.  He is potty-trained (finally).  But I will no longer be the center of his universe.  His teachers will inspire his imagination and feed his confidence.  His friends will excite him and he will start to beg for playdates (like his brother).

We bought bunk beds and are going to move the boys into a shared bedroom this summer. 

Which leads me to the next big thing in our lives:  the baby growing in my body.  I am pregnant again and due at the end of September.  We will have a tiny baby in the family again.  Someone new to love and to share our lives with.  It is amazing.  An unexpected blessing.  I am joyous about the arrival of this new baby but now I really know how quickly it will all go by.  Every milestone that Declan and Brendan hit seems to come rushing at me like a comet - so fast, so unexpected...even though it's coming is as regular as the ticking of a clock.  Kids grow.  That's what they do.  And parents are stuck in a weird time warp, just watching in shock as the time rushes by in a blur of color, laughter, tears and those moments.

1 comment:

Angie said...

WHOOOOHOOOOOO!! So glad I popped over here. I'll do my best to blog soon. :)

Much love and prayers for a healthy pregnancy!!!

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